Google “Wendy Brandes” right now and you’ll find my soon-to-be-updated jewelry website, my 2001 wedding announcement, a nice interview that Jennine of The Coveted did with me, and don’t forget my all-important, highly relevant and immensely popular 1998 book reviews. But where oh where has my blog gone? Why has the main link gone from search result #3 to nowhere on the first four pages of results? A random link to my Isabella the She-Wolf book review on the second page of results doesn’t console me. Also, some shifty looking site seems to be linking to me. What’s that about? I’m irritated. Gold Bond Powder helps with that, but I’m also fucking annoyed, and Gold Bond doesn’t seem to have a product for that problem.

Photo source: Timo Arnall
Thank you very much Wendy for your nice comment
May you miss the photo romances from the best of.
Each photo is the first photo of a photo romance.
Clic the photo to see all the other and read the story.
And if you go to the “in english” section, you’ll find stories in english.
if you want to tkae some of my photo, to show to your visitors parisian style, be welcome. just put our credit an link
A french blog did iy yesterday for my bests of and had much success.
You do a very great work Wendy and when our website is online i will be pleased to informe you and see how i can help you or each other.
Let’s share links.
I will write yours like that : Wendy Brand Jewelry
You can write mine like that : Style and the City – Paris
best regards.
Noo, that sucks!
Google did some sort of revamp of the way it rates websites recently, maybe that is to blame?
I seriously am not tech savvy and do not understand google.
I’ll check out that link Chic&Charming
Wow, that’s interesting. Maybe it’s just a temporary plunge, not a permanent one. I’ll be curious to see what the results will be in a few days.
It’s syntax at its finest. In fact, this has been going on for a few weeks; when I started my blog I wanted to link to you and googled–nothing. I had to find you through some other hit.
I’m guessing that syntactically it isn’t separating WENDY BRANDES from JEWELRY; if you search with all three words it comes right up. The blog finally appears on page two of searching “WENDY BRANDES.”
Suzanna! You sound so smart about all this! What should I do? I still secretly suspect that this is all because a friend of mine had a bad breakup with a guy at Google, not like I overpersonalize or anything.
every time i go on here… thinking since i have you subscribed in my reader, i’d be the first to comment… WRONG, i’m like the 25th or something…
i’d think you should be higher than IFB in the google ratings.
what is that?
and yeah… techonorati hates me. maybe we should start a support group.
ha! it’s funny you posted about this– i just googled your name to find your blog (something i’ve done in the past) and was confused when all i got was your jewelry site and wedding announcement! then i remembered you’re on mrs fashion’s blog roll, so i eventually found you that way.
guess i should just go ahead and link to you from my blog so i won’t have to work so hard to find yours again!
I think some google results will always remain a mystery! It’s really strange!
LOL, Jennine, you have to act fast around here. Lately, Technorati doesn’t hate me, but Google has picked up the slack. I’m not sure what they want me to do!
Jennifer, thanks!
Blame the google keyword spammers. I’ve read that they’ve reconfigured lots of things to try & keep spammy sites from coming up first.
So basically the world revolves around the spammers and the rest of us are unfairly punished >:-(
I wish they made Gold Bond powder for the soul.
But your wedding announcements, the jewellery site and a couple or cracking good book reviews aren’t such bad things to have..
Floppy, those would be more helpful if I were selling my wedding-planning or book-reviewing skills. I’d be happy about the jewelry site; however, since I am (someday…soon) going to change URLs and the name of the site,I have a bad feeling that THAT site will disappear too, so I’m trying not to be overexcited about it.