More photos from my husband’s surprise party have arrived! Click to enlarge.
Everyone was asking me where I got the Wall Street Journal top I was wearing that night, so here’s the story. About five years ago, we were having dinner with friends at Pastis when I noticed a woman wearing this top. I was extremely amused since this was obviously not a licensed product and I forced Paul to go over and say hi to her. She gave him the name of the Long Island boutique where she got it, and the next day I called and bought the last one.
I later wore it to a Wall Street Journal party, and a few of the WSJ women got quite excited. One enterprising journalist called the Long Island store, which told her that they were out of tops but could reorder from the Chinese factory if they got an order of at least a dozen. Someone put a sign-up sheet on the ladies’ room and everyone signed up and got their tops.
I was the only one who remembered to wear mine to the retirement party!
What Paul saw when he came in.
The mayor entertains Paul and our friend Arthur.
We had Paul sit on the stage in a big chair. Andy Borowitz made him laugh.
Photography by Bob Krasner.
I like a lot your long hair!
You’re SOOOOOOOO cute!
I just want to carry you in my pocket.
And your long hair looks amazing.
This post (and especially the last two photographs) just made my morning.
Thank you, Wendy!
ps re: your hair…wow!!!
You sure have one good looking family, and your hair, so nice and shiny!
They are probably the happiest pix I’ve seen quite the while.
You look ravishing as per usual.
That looks like a fantastic party, your husband must have had a lot of fun – and seriously, your sister is gorgeous.
Also, that top is trés cool, and worth every bit of the effort you took to track it down.
Oh, Dustcakeboy, you make me blush! Thanks Atelier, Ashe, Paul and Miss Woo for the hair compliments (and other kind words). I will be sure to tell the gorgeous Gilda at Pierre Michel (If anyone in NYC is looking for someone to style their hair, her name is pronounced “Jill-da” and the salon is at 57th and Lex). She redid my hair several times because it wouldn’t live up to her perfectionist standards and she was about 20 minutes late for her next client, but she just felt like she had to get it right! And thank you, Floppy, my sister will be very pleased by your comment.
YOur sister is gorgeous!!! you both together look like danger! 😉
@ BBee, Ha ha! “Dangerous.” I need to tell her that…she will love it. BTW, we have another NY-based blogger around! I will try to arrange another get-together.
wow, you &your sister look sooooo alike 😀
&your top is really cool!!
awww! you and your sister are gorgeous!
Thanks, Modern Marie! Violet, a lot of people ask if we are twins and my sister gets SO offended because she is younger. I’m like, just assume they think I’m younger than I am but she is always suspicious that the are thinking she is older than she is.
Looks like a great night was had by all.. thank you for visiting Wiggers World and taking the time to leave a comment.. I came by to say thank you and was met by the beauty of you and your sister…
I shounted to jane my partner to come see, she so agreed. She said that your jewelry is stunning… and she will swop you that picture of the tree for some… ha! Thanks again for commenting.
I love that last picture of you!
And I have to echo everyone: the hair!
you and your sister have some great genes! love the top, I was noticing it before too.
LOL @ womtig. Thank you so much. You know, I’d been thinking how much better trees would look draped in jewelry rather than tinsel and fairylights. Love your blog!
you must have had such a fantastic and wonderful time. you look lovely!!
that’s a great top. i wonder if that boutique carries a minneapolis star-tribune shirt, too?
ah, probably not….
My sister and I also get these reactions from men. It is strange, I sometimes think they (men) mistake being sisters with being lesbian – well that is at least another strange fantasy of men. Wherever they get it from.
these pictures are fab!
Oh Wendy, gorgeous people, fantastic pics and wonderful party those all were! You guys just beam with happiness and beauty!
I can’t get enough of your jewelry you know that, right?
yes pls, you can count on me for the next get-together!
i will dress more appropiate. promised… ^_^
keep me posted
Crazy Bobble-Bee! I thought you looked great!
i just chanced upon your blog… and wow! i love it! and you are sooo beautiful!!! hope you don’t mind if i visit often.. 🙂
i hate you! you always go to cool parties, with cool people, have such a great time and look divine when doing it. One day im going to gate crash one of your parties…thats what you get for not inviting me lol
you look great in those pics!!
OKAY HOW IS YOUR HAIR THAT SHINY!!! I need to get hairapy or something. i have to visit that salon. liking the wsj top…and what’s teri agins like? I saw her at fashion week which was cool…
Jon Go: If you’re going to call me beautiful, you’re welcome to visit 10 times a day! It’s about time people started appreciating me for my looks instead of my mind. I’m so over the whole intelligence thing.
Shaz: If you’re ever in town, you’re invited wherever I’m going.
Sonja: Thanks!
Riz: I have no idea why my hair looked so shiny! LOL. Teri is very cool. I meant to share her great line. All the other speakers were white guys so when she got up to give her toast, she said, “Ooh, I’m like Hillary AND Obama!” She also told me I had a very Naomi Campbell look that night. To my relief, I found out she was referring to the ponytail and not implying that I have crazy eyes.
1. Ditto: the hair looks fabulous!
2. You’ve always got great pics. It makes me think life might be nice if I wasn’t such a hermit. But then I remember I can live vicariously through your blog.
3. What a pretty family!
Aren’t you far too attractive to have a blog? I thought there was a rule about that.
That party looks like all the parties I go to, only the exact opposite crowd. My friends usually have to steal cars to get there in the first place.
Does that mean I’m “blog hot”? That’s like being “radio hot” or “book club hot.” I bet your friends drive some swell cars!
you look especially fabulous. and hoorah for paul!
I love that shirt!! Fabulous! I’m on the lookout for one too! I found your blog through Winona’s (Daddy Likey) but will be back to read more!
I’m now officially stealing “book club” hot. But you don’t need any hot qualifiers. I imagine you also don’t need to hear that you don’t need any qualifiers.
You are simply too stunning for words!
The party looks like it was a lot of fun, your husband is lucky!
wow, ur hair’s so much longer now. Looking gorgeous!
you are so beautiful wendy!!! and the black and white top plus red lipstick plus slick hair is amazing on you!!
Ha, that’s hilarious! I love that there was a sign-up sheet. And look how long your hair was!
I’m just now realizing how much you look like Marisa Tomei. She could totally play you in your biopic. 😉