The New York Times style section has an article on British designer Zandra Rhodes. A year or two ago, some British friends took us to see Zandra’s Fashion and Textile Museum in South London. We had a tough time finding it and were rattling all over South London in a tiny car containing four adults and a medium-sized poodle, stopping random people on the street to ask if they knew where the “pink museum” was. Everyone looked at us like we were crazy. Should you ever find yourself in this situation, please note that the building is more orange than pink. I think we would have cut our traveling time if we’d said, “the orange museum.” The picture of me in my vintage Zandra Rhodes dress was taken last year.
Those colors are gorgeous!
All of her hand-painted chiffon dresses have amazing colors. She used that red a lot. She did some beautiful ones in yellow too.
She collaborated with Topshop a while ago here in the UK and produced a range for them…it was just as gorgeous!
very pretty. Both the dress and you!
Aw, thank you, Laissezfaire!
I can’t take it anymore! Every picture of you is gorgeous!! Can’t you please stay out late one night drinking and carousing in strip clubs, and then post a ‘first thing in the morning’ pic before you’ve brushed your teeth??!
I’ve tried that but it broke the camera! 🙂
is that you? omg, you look stunning! you should post more pictures of yourself! you look amazing!!!
Oh, thank you Diana…you are so sweet. I am very embarrassed about posing for pictures and usually am traumatized by how the photo comes out. However, I do love my vintage dresses and will share them whenever appropriate!
Wow, i’d like to invade your closet! That dress is bananas!
your probarbly sick of hearing it…but you are absolutely stunning, love the colors of the dress, but that necklace is just to die for!
LOL, Shaz, I never get tired of compliments! Especially since I’m one of those people who forgets a nice thing in two seconds but can remember the negative thing someone said to me 20 years ago. I’m so glad you like that necklace! It’s this one: