I don’t like those “Who Wore It Best” features about celebrities. I feel sorry for the celebrity who gets only 3% of the vote. I’ve always said to myself, “Self, thank God you’re not famous so you don’t have to deal with that.” However, I have something too funny not to share so I’m going to embarrass myself for your enjoyment. Here you can see stunning actress Gina Gershon and yours truly wearing the same dress.
That dress is breathtaking! Sorry, Wendy, but you look way better in it. You’ve got that great vintage vibe that Gina just can’t touch.
Those “Who wore it Better?” features are a very guilty pleasure of mine. I am just always amazed that they can find so many occurrences of repeat styles every single week. And you know some of those ladies deserve the 3%!
Aw, you’re very sweet, but Gina is gorgeous both in the dress and in other dresses! I don’t know why the dress looks so faded in her picture though. My pictures shows the color more accurately. BTW, I was PISSED at the store owner for not telling me Gina had worn it already. One of the main reasons for buying vintage is to avoid that “as seen on…” experience.
Lovely, lovely, lovely dress!
It´s a gorgeous dress and you look amazing in it! I realize while writing this that I am wearing a dress in a similar color right now, but mine is of course not as stunning as yours. 😉
Oh, Agathe, I hope you post your dress! I LOVE that shade of green. It’s so refreshing!
Gina for sure.
LOL, dude, I said “Don’t answer!” Dang!
delightful dress. great on gina, WONDERFUL on wendy.
YOU wore it better.